Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'm tanned...I'm rested...I'm back!

OK, maybe I'm not tanned or rested, but at least I'm back. Greetings all! Boy it has been a while.

I have been threatening to get this fired back up since January, and though there has been plenty to talk about, I wanted to give Obama and his administration a chance to show me what they can do. If I were to nit pick every move, how would I be any better than the people I loathe like Keith Olberman, Rush Limbaugh, Rachael Madow or Anne Coulter? People who blindly follow the left or right agenda without any variance I tend to distrust.

That being said, I think I have a good idea now of what we are in for over the next three years, ten months, one week and three days. More of the same. That's what we will get. Partisan politics plain and simple. Sure the winner of the battles will be different. The outcomes will be different. But the losers remain the same.

Who loses? The American people, that's who.

Anybody who was not a left wing nut and bought into the "Hope" and "Change" rhetoric, I feel bad for them. I really do. How lost must they feel right now? These folks have seen a president who promised bi-partisanship continue to be the same left wing partisan he was in his days in the Senate.

Now I know there are still the ObaManiacs who have yet to come down form his historic victory in November and his luxurious coronation...I mean January. I have spoken to those folks and I know they will disagree with most everything I type here today, tomorrow or the next day. In fact my entire point of view probably offensive to them. Oh well. That's one of the things that makes America so great.

But I digress. Not that bi-partisanship really matters. Republican or Democrat its all the same to me, these are just synonyms for corrupt politician. How can anybody expect us to take either side serious when they are so similar.

8500 earmarks! Wow the Dems are really sticking it to us! Right Sean Hannity? No matter that 40% of the pork was requested by the GOP. No need to get bogged down in the details. Do the American people need to know that the GOP control 41% of the congressional seats and they requested and almost equal amount of the pork per member? Fiscal conservatives? I think not.

Not that the pork even matters. I am most concerned with the 8% budget increases being approved. You and I are being asked by our leaders to live on less and to tighten our belts, why cant they? Hypocrites!

Now, more than ever, we need leaders. Not charismatic empty suits who are easily lead around by Nancy Pelosi. That woman is Satan. (I admit I have blinders on about her. We all have people in our lives who we cannot see the good in even if they saved a bus load of kindergartners from a fire, she is mine.)

We need leaders like Evan Bayh and the "Blue Dog" coalition he is putting together to kill this pork ridden spending bill. He is my hero of 2009 so far.

Be well everyone! It's good to be back!