Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What now?

It's time to turn the page and start a new chapter. The election chapter is over and my candidate did not win. That's life. Where do I go from here? I now enter into a weird place. For those of you who know me, you know I have strong beliefs in my own opinions. However, stronger than that is my love for this country.

What does that mean then? Well. simply put, I hope I am wrong about Barak Obama. I care more about my country than I care about being right. I believe he is the most divisive character to come into the national scene in a very long time. I also believe he is one of the most liberal people in national politics. I believe he is the most partisan person in Washington. I believe he is corrupt. I believe he is a liar. And the scariest part, I don't believe we have seen the worst of him yet.

I believe all of these things and yet, I pray I am wrong about all of these beliefs.

God Bless America,

PS- Choosing Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff is not a good first step. He is a Chicago politician with a history of being a pit bull against Republicans and he is a former Fannie Mae board member. Oye vey!

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