Monday, October 20, 2008

John Stossel gets it...

I have not always been a fan of John Stossel. In fact it wasn't until a good friend of mine lent (although I still have it) me his book "Give Me A Break" that I started to respect his views.

Prior to reading this book, I thought of him as a reporter version of the ambulance chaser. However this book is probably the single most influential reason why this blog is being written tonight. There was one section that really put things into perspective for me. This section was titled "Government Always Grows" and in this section Stossel points out that when America began government only cost $20 (in today's dollars) for every citizen.

Do you have any idea how much the federal government costs to run now? $100? $500? $1000? $2500? $5000?

No, none of the above? When his book was written in 2003, the federal government cost over $10,000 for every citizen to run. Are you kidding me? How is this even possible? It makes me sick just thinking about it.

Are YOU ready to get sick now?

Based on the FY 2009 estimated budget of $2.7 trillion and a 2007 estimate of 138 million taxpayers (including those who pay no tax), each citizen will carry an average tax burden of nearly $20,000. To make things worse. This is just the federal budget I am speaking of, we haven't paid for state and local governments yet!

Does anyone else find this rediculous?

What is worse, now we are just over two weeks away from electing a Socialist who is looking to further grow government and increase the tax burden on the US. I frankly don't care who he is planning on taxing, if he is incapable of paying for the programs he feels are needed, with the money they are already stealing from us, well then, I guess he is not nearly as smart and as gifted as many of you would like to believe.

Now that I have depressed you, and myself, let me recommend another John Stossel production from last Friday night on 20/20. You can find it at under "John Stossel's Politically Incorrect Guide to Politics."

If anyone could still feel like our government is looking out for us after watching this I feel sorry for that person. Our politicians have stacked the deck against you and me my friends. They think we are stupid and wont catch on.

If we decide to stand idly by and do nothing shame on us. I beg you, please, go to the polls in two weeks and one day and do two things...

1) Vote against all incumbents.

2) Vote against socialism. Vote against Barak Obama.

God Bless America,

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