Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dark Knight was awesome in IMAX

Last night I went to go see the Dark Knight in IMAX and there were a couple things that struck me as relevant to talk about. When I got back home and sat down at my computer, I was very disapointed because I was having difficulty getting and keeping a wireless connection. You would think I would have an ethernet cable handy for just and occasion, but no. So, here are my thoughts from a super hero movie...

The first thing I thought about was a quote from Michael Caine's character Alfred. He was telling a story from his past about the motivation of men and made the statement "Some men can't be bargained with, bribed or bought. Some men just want to see the world burn."

Now why is this quote relevant? Well when I look at the state of our world today and I evaluate which of our two major candidates for President is most aware of the fundamental truth expressed in this quote, I become very scared about our future under Obama as our Commander in Chief. If his foreign policy plan is to sit down and talk to irrational leaders who only "want to see the world burn" like Ahmadinejad, we the people are in for a whole heap of trouble.

Another quote that got me thinking was "you either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Interesting thought. However, this quote got me thinking in the opposite direction. What we need right now from our leaders is some frank talk about what we need to do as a society to get our country moving back in the right direction. This talk and the resulting action will not be popular at first. In fact it will be seen by a great many as hate speech, but these things need to be said to help lead us back on track.

We need to talk about things like taking people to task for spending their lives on the public dole, the erosion of family values and personal responsibility. No longer alowing things to be run by the politically correct lunatic fringe on the left and right of our society. Not allowing our politicians to be short sighted and forcing them to provide true leadership.

Ask yourself this, how much have McCain and Obama spoken about Social Security, Illegal Immigration, the national debt or our unbalanced budget? Sure, they all get mentioned, but compared to the time spent discussing race/religion, oil companies, tax policy and the housing crisis, these things barely rate.What is the difference in these issues? The things being discussed are flavor of the month discussions. (I do agree though, the energy crisis has been staring us in the face for years and our leaders have refused to deal with the issue.) The issues flying under the radar are ongoing, ever present issues that will be there for the next President or Congress to deal with. Are we going to wait until Social Security becomes a crisis issue before we demand action? I assure you it will be in the next decade if left unchecked. Are we waiting for the Chinese to call in the mortgage on America before we start paying down our debt? Are we waiting for our dollar to hit junk bond status before we do anything about our manic spending?

These issues have to be dealt with some time. Why not now? They won't be talked about in earnest because we don't demand the discussion be had. We would rather hear about how Obama will give us back $1000 tax rebate because energy costs are so high. We would rather discuss why McCain has gone negative with his campaigning. We would rather be told by the media what to do, because it's much harder to think for ourselves. We need to realize there are serious problems that need to be dealt with by serious people and they need to be dealt with now!

Will you start the dialogue?

God Bless America,

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