Sunday, August 10, 2008

Upon further review...

Apparently I should have given a little more thought on my stance that the Edwards scandal doesn't matter. I received a number of e-mails on that issue alone, and upon further review, I agree with may of you, it does matter. There we two major themes of why people thought the issue was worth discussion.

First, as one e-mailer eloquently pointed out, "Edwards, though largely irrelevant as a candidate, matters greatly as a symbolic representation of today's politicians in Washington. He is one of many extremely wealthy, privileged, dishonest, corrupt (individuals) that we Americans entrust with running our nation. That is a horrific truth which needs to be changed."

Excellent point. Is this how we see our "leaders?" According to Rasmussen Reports, yes. 33% approval rating for Bush. (46% strongly disapprove.) 9% approval rating for the Democrat led Congress. (52% think they are doing a poor job.)

Yet despite these poll results, it is looking likely the Democrats will capture more congressional seats in November and are perhaps poised to have super majorities in both houses! The thought of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid being able to advance their agendas unchecked is my personal ninth circle of hell.

The second reason people thought this Edward's scandal is important is because it is taking mainstream media focus off Obama. Barak needs the mainstream media fawning over him to keep his momentum. Couple this scandal with Clinton's possible request for a roll-call vote at the convention later this month, and the Messiah is having a bad week.

That being said, I have changed my mind. This story was an important one.

Another set of e-mails took aim at Jack McGlone's guest blog, some thought he was right on, others thought he was a bit extreme or just plain wrong. I guess his opinion accomplished exactly what I expected it got people thinking. Thanks again Jack. Even though not everybody agreed with your point of view, you got people to talk and think about your points. You gave us all the gift of thought.

If anyone else would like to submit guest blogs, just send me an e-mail. I will post them and hopefully your notions will cause people to consider their own opinions. The only thing I ask is that the submissions discuss some aspect of government or political reform. I promise not to edit content, even if your points are at odds with my own.

God Bless America,

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