Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A friend of mine asked me a simple question today. He asked how many bankruptcies are filed in the US every year? He asked the question because the adds for claim there are 1.85 million filings a year because of medical bills. 1.85 million! That's a big number!

If there are 1.85 million filings from medical expenses alone, surely the total number of filings must be 2.5 to 3 million. Right?

Wrong! I did a quick Google search to get the answer and guess what I found? I found that our friends at are telling us a fib. Guess what the real number is? Try nearly 1 million total filings from July 2007 to June 2008, including business filings. Is there a new rounding rule in math I am unfamiliar with? There must be? AARP wouldn't delibrately lie to us about this 1.85 million number would they?

I think we all know the answer here. It's just lobbyist spin. No, that's not right, it's a bold faced lie. When are we as a nation going to hold advertisers accountable for conning us? I don't care what their intentions are, this type of advertising would get a used car store brought up on charges. Why not do the same to the lobbyists at the AARP?

God Bless America,

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