Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dow off nearly 1000 points in two days...everybody panic!

Just kidding.

Make no mistake about it, this is a problem, and it has been a problem for a long time. Our "leaders" have just chosen to ignore the issue. And now, we all have to pay.

Can someone explain to me why the directors and executives of these companies are not being indited today? How is it possible no laws were broken here? That's a trick question, of course laws were broken, but nobody will be prosecuted. Not under this corrupt bureaucracy, not under these corrupt politicians.

Unless and until our legislators begin to prosecute white collar criminals with crimes, this kind of stuff will continue to happen. Maybe not today, there will be a lot of eyes on Wall Street now, but not to far from now, when we have all forgotten the pain of today, it will happen again. Remember 1987?

The penalties for these kinds of white collar crimes need to be almost usurious in nature to have any effect at all. Say, life in prison in a federal penitentiary with murderers and rapists for people like the CEO of Lehman, Bear Sterns, Enron, etc. How do you think Ken Lay would have fared in the general population? I would have loved to find out. Rot in Hell Ken.

You see, the problem with our current system of justice is that is is not based on how the crime effects the general public. The former CEO of AIG, Martin J. Sullivan, in concert with his unscrupulous henchmen, has done more damage to this country than any serial killer, yet Jeff Dahmer was sentenced to death. FYI...Sullivan received a $47 million severance package in June for resigning after AIG write of $20 billion in losses. I need that pay plan.

Don't get me wrong, I am not defending serial murder, I am just trying to make folks understand that the true evil in this world largely goes unpunished or at least under punished. Jeff Skillings is currently serving a 24 year sentence in a country club jail. I know that is a long time, however, since he caused the Enron collapse, that seems light to me.

Corruption in our financial markets effect us all. Murderers only effect the immediate and extended circles of their victims. Who deserves the longer sentence?

God Bless America,

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