Monday, September 29, 2008

Politics as usual.

Was anybody shocked by the fact the bailout package was not passed? This is not a popular piece of legislation. Politicians do not want to vote for bill that could possibly cost them their jobs. These people are not leaders, they are chickens and I think its time to turn the chickens over to Frank Perdue for processing.

Let the finger pointing begin. Oh yeah, and let the holiday recess begin. Congress will not be back in session until Thursday and the Dow is down 700+ points. They worked hard over the weekend after all.

Do you need a clearer argument to unseat the people in power in Washington? There are no leaders among them. This bailout is a tragedy. We should not have to bailout Wall Street, however it is imperative for us to do so. Credit markets need to be opened, and they will not be, at least in the short term, without something being done.

Think about this, unless you work for a well capitalized, cash rich company, your employer may not have access to enough short term cash to make payroll. Does that make this problem close enough to home? Something needs to be done!

I cannot begin to express my anger that we are here. I am even more angry that I cannot see any other way to fix the situation we are in without crippling our economy.

Even worse, I now find myself agreeing with Jack Cafferty from CNN, he just called for the unseating of every incumbent in Washington. The train is leaving the tracks ladies and gentlemen.

God Help America,

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