Thursday, September 11, 2008

I coun't have said it any better myself...

I have been racking my brain over the past several days, wondering how best to express my feelings about 09.11.2001. Well, I got an e-mail from a friend that sums it up nicely so I figured I would share it. (I have left out the names in the spirit of privacy.)

"Have you forgotten?

Please take 4:10 to watch this video:

A country music fan, I am not. A red white & blue blooded American, I proudly am.

I intended to wax poetic about what this day means to me, but I've decided to keep this relatively brief.

Simply put, as my (poor) wife can attest, not one single solitary day has gone by that I have not reflected on the events of 9-11-01. That day ignited a fire deep within the caverns of my soul........a soul which still aches of sorrow, yet still screams for revenge.

Do not forget what happened. Do not forget who is responsible. Do not allow for this day to be merely a "bad date" on the calendar. Rather, take some time to remember where you were, what you were doing, and EXACTLY how you felt when you saw or heard what took place.

It is the dissipation of that atrociously sickening feeling we recall in the pits of our stomachs which has allowed our nation, our leaders and our disgraceful political parties to become so horrifically divided.

I'm not sure whether I just care more about America than most, or if I'm just much better at holding and harboring intense/eternal grudges towards those who attack my family, my friends and my country. In today's world, I would probably be criticized for both. But guess who doesn't care............

Don't forget."

Like I said, I couldn't say it better myself.

God Bless America,

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