Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I don't quite have the words to explain my disdain for the media.

First, I thank God things in Louisiana were not worse yesterday. I know there was $10 billion in damage, but the human loss was minimal, and we can rebuild. That's what we Americans do, we deal with tragedy and we move forward. That is why I love my country.

The media in this country however, I could do without. This Bristol Palin story needs to go away and it needs to go away now. I don't care what side of the ideological coin you fall on, if you believe using this story to promote your candidates agenda is appropriate, I pray for your cold hearts. The saddest part of this story is that while the right is using it to show how "real" Sarah Palin and her family is, the left is using it to show how poor John McCain's vetting process and judgement is.

Seriously people, we are talking about a 17 year old girl who is going thru one of the most emotionally and physically straining experiences any teenager could go thru and our media is falling over themselves to use this trauma as spin. I don't know how most of them can sleep at night.

The real problem I have with this is because I knew this would be the result the moment I first heard the story. They simply cannot help themselves. What ever happened to reporters with honor. The kind of reporter that would not write a story about something because it was not relevant to the news, it was simply a private matter.

Maybe those times are gone, I have hope they are not, but I suspect they are. But for now I will say a quick prayer for Bristol and her unborn child and hope this story goes away and quick. Maybe one day the media will realize that the end does not justify the means.

God Bless America,

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