Monday, August 25, 2008

Are you kidding me???

Ted Kennedy, who I consider the murderer of Mary Jo Kopechne, is, as I type, being celebrated as the hero of the Democrat Party.  Nothing makes me more sick than the sight of his face.  How did the convention attendees treat his "heroic" arrival at the convention in Denver?  They gave him a tribute and a standing ovation.

This is one of the main reasons why as a younger man I had no respect for anyone who called them self a Democrat.  This man's actions directly lead to the death of a young, vibrant woman who was the only child of Joseph and Gwen Kopechne.  What was his punishment?  He received a six month deferred sentence for leaving the scene of an accident.  Outrageous!  I guess it was good to be the son of a bootlegger who was in bed with the mob and the brother of a former President and former Atty. General.  

How could any decent human being think Ted Kennedy is a good man?  He is an alcoholic, murdering sub-human. 

Many people site his record in the Senate since the incident to sweep the incident under the rug, almost as if it never happened.  Well, I'm here to say it did happen.  I don't care what he has done since.  Even if I agreed with his politics I would think the same way.  Once a killer, always a killer.  Is why Ted has always been against the death penalty?  He knows he cannot be prosecuted again, right?

Sorry for the rant.  I know there are more important issues to muse about, but the moment I fired up my laptop and started watching the convention, he hit the stage.

Gad Bless Mary Jo and God Bless America,


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