Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Its Interesting...

When I made my first post to this blog three days ago I was wondering specifically about two things. First, I wondered if I would feel better getting some thoughts down in writing. Second, I wondered if there were others out there who were frustrated for the same reasons.

Well, I do feel better because there are others out there, equally frustrated and with something intelligent to say. A friend of mine who I have not spoken to in years wrote me about the lack of foresight and initiative from our leadership with regards to global problems.

His e-mail got me thinking, the true purpose of this blog is to talk about the issues, how they impact our lives and what our "leaders" our doing to impact those issues to better our existence. I know what issues are important to me, but please send me and e-mail with the issues you all feel are important to discuss. I am always excited to learn about different perspectives and hope you all will honor me with your opinions, even if you feel I will disagree.

By the way, the Market was up 300+ points, oil fell below $120 and the fed held pat on rates. This is a good day, but make no mistake about it, poor leadership got us into this mess and we have a long way to go. It is now on us to impose our will on our "leaders" and reminding them that this is a government OF, FOR and BY the people.

God Bless America,

PS- If you are not following this story already, please take time to read about a situation in San Francisco that is out of control. Sanctuary cities must be dealt with soon or we all may end up like this.

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