Sunday, August 3, 2008

Legalized bribery?

I'm watching CNN this morning (don't worry, I'll watch Fox News Sunday later) and they are running a recent Obama speach on the economy and taxes. He said that if he is elected he will put $1000 in the form of a "emergency energy rebate" in the pockets of 95% of Americans. Interesting. I don't know about you, but I could certainly find a use for that $1000. Better still, he plans on paying for this "rebate" by taxing the windfall profits of oil companies!

One problem, this sounds like Obama is trying to buy my vote. Is there any other way to look at this proposal. The Messiah is outright telling 95% of the population if they vote for him he will give you $1000. Does anyone else have a problem with this?

Sure, nobody likes the oil companies and we need to get a handle on our energy policy. I get it, $4 gas is a problem. However, if we do not question this tactic, what's next?

God Bless America,

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