Saturday, August 2, 2008

First post!

Well, here goes nothing. Or something. I'm fed up. I am sick of federal, state and local government politicians and bureaucrats advancing their agendas at the expense of most of the citizens of this great nation. I think it's high time we do something about our defective government. If you bought a defective product from a business would you keep it and say "oh well?" Definitely not. You would either return it all together or exchange it for a product that will do the job.

Returning our government officials and politicians is not prudent, practical or possible. Exchanging them is necessary. The founding fathers gave us the best system of government ever established. However, our officials have corrupted this great system and have put all of our futures at risk.

In the coming weeks/months/years I will be building this site and blogging with the intention of educating us all to the damages of our officials and politicians. My goal is to create enough voter support to cause all sitting incumbents to lose their next election and exchange them all. Maybe then they will see we are serious about making sure they execute OUR agenda, not THEIR agenda.

If you disagree with my views, it is your right and I would enjoy the debate if you would honor me with the opportunity. If you agree with my views and have perspectives to add please send them to me.

God Bless America,

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