Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hill gets her roll call...

Obama must be sick of this. If he weren't a socialist hell bent on destroying the free market and taxing us back into the stone age to support his social programs, I might feel bad for him.

Hillary has successfully gotten him to scream Uncle and her delegates will be alowed to voice their choice in an open roll call at the convention. The Messiah and Clinton are on record as saying this act will help unify the party and heal the wounds from a brutal primary process. Will it? I can see their argument. I'm sure this will bring some of her supporters back into the fold.

Here is the problem. 39% of the voter population is Democrat and 31% is Republican. By my math that leaves 30% of the country Independent. I'm not saying anything new that the Independent voter will decide this election.

So, though it matters to Barak he is able to bring most of Hillary's supporters back into the fold thru this show of "unity," I believe the Independent voter will, to Obama's chagrin, react negatively to this image. It is in the best interest of Democrats to unify, so this gesture is really unnecessary. Do you really think Clinton supporters will vote for a Republican? Seriously.

However, this gesture to the Independent voter will show anything but unity. A roll call where the vote is virtually split shows you are together? A near 50/50 split of the delegates will look the furthest from united. Divided is a much better term for what the Independent voter will see. This will be the indelible image from Denver to the Independent voter. As an Independent voter why would I vote for someone who cannot even get the full support of their own party?

Couple this with the Edwards scandal, and Barak must feel like he is being submarined by his own party at every turn. Like I said, I almost feel sorry for him.

God Bless America,

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