Monday, August 11, 2008

It's 3 am...

Not really, but with the Russian aggression against Georgia still in full swing, it makes me think. What would be the presidential reaction be if it were McCain or Obama? We know what happened under Bush. His administration has completely mismanaged his relationship with Putin which has led to a resurgence of KGB like activity in Russia. Putin is an evil dictator and Medvedev is his lap dog, and under the Bush administration, nothing was done.

Would either candidate have handled this situation better? We will never know, however I can make an educated guess that making appeasements, like an Obama administration is likely to do, would result the same as Bush's appeasements. McCain is on record as saying he sees the letters KGB when he looks in Putin's eyes, so my guess is that he would not appease the Russian Prime Minister.

Why does this matter? Well, if we care about keeping ourselves safe in the world, I think we need to asses the willingness of our leaders to make difficult stands protect us from harm. Which candidate is more willing to act? Ask yourself this...In the middle of this international crisis in the heat of a national campaign, who is acting more like Bush? Isn't Obama on vacation? I'm just saying.

God Bless America,

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